Month: November 2019


When people hear the term ‘Western medicine’, what comes to their mind is a region which medicine comes from. Now, Western medicine is a wide spectrum of medicine which is separated from Eastern medicine.

There are various division in the medical world, and Western medicine is the most popular, as it is a specific umbrella which houses other forms of medicine.

Western medicine is modern and it gives more attention to the pharmacological treatment of diseases. Western medicine became popular and more in use, in the 18th century.

This was a blooming scientific era, and it was beginning to have its effect in the medical world. Before this era, what ruled the medical world was Eastern medicine, which was basically herbal treatment.

With Western medicine, it focused more on treating the particular symptoms associated with a disease, using chemical methods, instead of treating the entire person as common with Eastern medicine.

This approach which began in the 18th century, has ruled the world from then till now, making it the most reliable form of disease treatment.

Western medicine endorses the use of pharmacological agents and medicines as ways of handing specific symptoms. Western medicine does not look at the lifestyle of an individual and their state of mind.

Although, it does this, but not fully. It focuses more on that particular symptom, and it offers treatment based on man-made chemical medicines.

Western medicine comes with much controversy based on its method of operation, and the reason for this is not far-fetched.

Western medicine because it involves the use of chemicals, is very effective, and swift in results delivery, so this has raised doubts on the after-effect which it might have in the long run.

However, based on recent research and studies, it is safe to say that, Western medicine poses no threat to human life, even after they have recovered from any illness plaguing them.